We come together to appreciate our uniqueness, explore our connections, and celebrate our discoveries.

Leadership & Team Work

Super Home Ranger Scouts provides a great opportunity for all kids to work together as a team.  It is our goal to have them develop leadership skills at home, put them into practice with each other, and see them manifest as they go into the world.  We offer leadership positions within our troops and our at-home activities so that they sharpen their skills.  The skills are reinforced and celebrated through our badges and awards programs.  Positions are for one semester for large troops and all year for smaller troops.  We pride ourselves in not showing favoritism by allowing each child to shine and gain the skill necessary to succeed.  Troopers who complete 5 out of the 8 leadership badges will receive our Gold Star Award.

Troupe Leadership Positions

The Leader of Humanities (LOH) is responsible for running meetings.  This person will begin each meeting on time.  The beginning of the meetings will start with a pledge, motto, promise, and creed.  This leader will give breaks to the break out groups.  Please be sure to always have a way to track the time, i.e. a watch, phone, analog or digital clock in the room.  The LOH is also responsible for making sure every class group has a leader that is trained and knows his or her responsibilities. The LOH holds a summer leadership meeting to plan out the school year activities. The LOH is trained in all leadership positions so they may fulfill those duties if needed.

The Leader of Humanities Assistant (LOHA), is also responsible for keeping track of time during the meetings.  The LOHA is responsible for overseeing all break times ensuring the students make it back in a timely fashion.  The LOHA keeps  the students occupied with songs or games during breaks and downtime in the meeting where other Head LOH may need coverage.   The LOHA is trained in secretary and treasurer roles so they may fill in where needed.  

The Secretary (Sec) is responsible for taking notes at all meetings when business is discussed. The Secretary is responsible for logging badges and awards. The Secretary is to make all calls to leadership and delegate or initiate any calls needed to S-HRS. An adult should always oversee this position to make sure it is done correctly.

An older S-HRS can partner with the Secretary for training as a Host or Hostess. The S-HRS is responsible for having cards ready to sign for all special needs (illness, birthday, thanks, etc.) and making sure they reach the intended recipient.

The Treasurer is responsible for reporting the current finances of the troop.  Troop finances reports should be ready for every leadership meeting. The Treasurer should also help prepare budgets for all events and activities. All finances should be logged.  This includes payments to the troop, dues, troop registration, uniform fees, and payments for badges and awards. An adult should always oversee this position to make sure it is done correctly. An S-HRS can partner with the Treasurer to organize a troop fundraiser.  This activity is designed to develop important math skills needed to be a leader at home or in business.

The Health and Wellness Coordinator (HWC) is responsible for offering (non-mandatory and spiritually fluid) meditation sessions to the group 15 minutes before every meeting.  The Health and Wellness Coordinator also works with an S-HRS to develop a troop environmental project that will get the kids into nature.  This activity is designed to give the children a break from electronics and get in touch with planet Earth, incorporating science is encouraged.

The Photographer takes pictures at all troop meetings and events. You may wish to have more than one S-HRS serve in this position if you have a large troop. This ensures that there are pictures of every trooper. Photographers are also the Lead Historians of the group and should work with another S-HRS in making the troop scrapbook.  This activity is designed to fine tune technology skills and allow the creative expression of the trooper to shine.

The Goody Coordinator (GC) is responsible for creating a Goody rotation list.  The GC should use a program like Sign-Up Genius to generate the sign-up log.  Out of courtesy a reminder call should be made preferably one week prior to meetings to remind students when it is their turn to bring the goodies. If for some reason a S-HRS cannot provide a snack, it is the Goody coordinator’s job to find a substitute. An older S-HRS can partner with the GC for training. This will help the student fine tune their organizational skills.

The GC also is a mentor to the Buddy Leader to offer guidance if they need assistance with the student lead position.

The Buddy Leaders lead a group between 4 to 8 students and are in charge of making sure all areas are ready for the meeting.  A chore list will be developed by the Buddy Leader for each section.  The expectation is for all chores to be completed before and after meetings.  The Buddy Leader should delegate to the group what responsibilities should be done so that the meeting can start on time.  Also, if younger troopers need help, the Buddy Leader should constantly keep an eye on creating an atmosphere of teamwork.  The same goes for playtime after the meeting.  It is the job of the Buddy Leader to ensure no S-HRS plays alone.  This activity is designed to increase the social skills of the troopers.  It is also the only kid ran position. The Goody Coordinator should check-in to see if direction is needed.

The reporter is responsible for writing a troop newsletter as well as sending photos and write ups to the local media.  Reporters are also frequently in charge of the troop website and social media.  This activity is designed to fine tune technology skills and allow the creative expression of the trooper to shine.


Collectively we work together to complete home base learning objectives, community badges, sustainability and self-reliance achievements.  

Students are given 15 minutes of one group session a month to discuss their cultural questions and findings. Meetings are usually broken up into 15 minutes of Cultural Activities, and 45 minutes of STEEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Exercise, Art, and Math), civic, sustainability, or self-reliance activities.  Separate meet-ups are usually held to explore the great outdoors.

It is our personal responsibility to complete at home learning activities.  Once your activities are done you are to take what you learned to your groups. Usually at-home activities are discussed at the end of meetings and shared in the group circle.  Individuals may also participate in creating a unique home-based cross-cultural learning project to be submitted to your chapter.  The chapters will pick the best projects to submit to regionals.  

Groups discuss activities done at home.  Groups are where our youth share and demonstrate their home learning.  In the groups we stretch our thinking beyond what we learned at home and incorporate new findings to better understand each other and the world.  We ask each group to develop their own manifesto.  We also do team building activities so groups build stronger bonds.  The group is highly encouraged to complete community service projects which also act as team builds.

It is a goal that every group investigate a local culture that may be unique to most people in the group the first semester.  The second semester it is our goal for the troop to investigate a global group.  Usually at the end of the first semester there is a small cultural fair or festival located at a library or park for the students to display their individual and group projects.  

At the end of the year there is an Awards show to celebrate the cultural presentations and community service projects.

Special Note: We also promote participating in fun activities that do not always emphasize culture as way to have children work together and get to know each other for all of the things that make them great.

Chapters are usually a collection of groups or a state with all of its groups that meet with the goal of diving into deeper projects and even more outreach programs that build unity.  Chapters are usually the gatekeepers of the local community philanthropy project and awards.

Regions handle the awards given for the best home-based cultural learning project and local community projects submitted by the chapters.

National Leadership

Our National Board of Advisors (NBA) brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from across the country in homeschooling, business, technology, finance, marketing, nonprofits, and a multitude of educational resources.  To be on our board we require a love of children and a background relevant to our cause.

Our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) at our National Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona work across the country with our nationwide councils to support their homebased learning and outreach programs that reach beyond home base.

Our National Student Advisory Board (NSAB) is composed of 20 youth from around the country.  The NSAB Chair serves as a full advisory member of the National Board of Advisors.  The Chair is also responsible for leading quarterly meetings using virtual teleconferencing technology to organize the annual NSAB Philanthropy Project. National Student Advisory Board is responsible for selecting one project from the entire nation to hail as the cross-cultural learning project of the year.  Nationals also coordinates its own philanthropy project to present to the National Board of Advisors. Nationals will also designate a community service-based theme that all chapters must complete second semester. It is also the job of the NSAB to communicate to the NBA the interests of the students in our chapters.

Super Home Ranger Scouts LLC

Super Home Ranger Scouts is a limited liability company.  Our program is sold to interested non-profits, churches, schools, families and the like to use within our contractual guidelines. We maintain a national office as an enhancement to our subscribers.  Those who buy our full program gain license rights to use our logos, badges, and program features.