We come together to appreciate our uniqueness, explore our connections, and celebrate our discoveries.

Our Program & Join Us

S-HRS programs are grounded in the belief that kids learn best by having fun! They learn by doing and being hands-on in their experiences.  This helps to truly understand each lesson and develop reasoning as to why what we are doing is important. Kids and teens complete hands-on projects in areas such as health and wellness, home skills, self-reliance, sustainability, STEEAM, camping, civic and global engagement.  They discover in a positive environment with other curious children.  Adult mentors are available to offer guidance. Students are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids can concentrate on one focus area or they can try a variety of programs throughout their S-HRS experience.

AMHA offers this program through Super Home Ranger Scouts, a limited liability company. This program is sold to interested non-profits, churches, schools, families and the like to use within S-HRS contractual guidelines. S-HRS maintains a national office as an enhancement to their subscribers.  Those who buy the full program gain license rights to use their logos, badges, and program features.  As a perk to those who register for S-HRS Explore to Learn, they offer custom web design to promote the product, affiliate marketing and/or fundraising opportunities.  Every person who signs up though AMHA empowers us to do more for the kids in our Arizona community!  

JOIN US by clicking the JOIN NOW button at the top right corner of the screen. Please specify that you are interested in being apart of the SUPER HOME RANGER SCOUTS program today!

Please note any misuse of our products will result in your access to our programs and/or license(s) being suspended, revoked, and/or unrenewed.